Thank you to our supporting churches, businesses and friends!
Who are your current supporting churches,
businesses and friends?
These amazing churches, businesses and friends have been long-time supporters of Route One Ministry. Join this super star list today!
- Asbury Grove, S. Hamilton, MA
- Boxford MOPS, First Church Congregational, Boxford, MA
- Chapel Hill, Springfield, MA
- Chinese Bible Church of Greater Boston
- Christ Presbyterian Church, Springfield, MA
- Church of Acres, Springfield, MA
- Garden City, Beverly, MA
- Gathering for Hope, Lexington & North Shore, MA
- Interministries Church, North Andover, MA
- Orchard Christian Fellowship, Londonderry, NH
- Park Ave Church, NJ
- Presbyterian of the East
- Restoration City Church, Dorchester, MA
- Second Baptist Church, South Hadley, MA
- Silver Lake Community Church, Brackney, PA
- The Boston Chinese Evangelical Church, Boston and Newton, MA
- The City Church, Springfield, MA
- Women’s Ministry, Grace Chapel, Lexington & Wilmington, MA
- Women’s Ministry of Community Church of East Gloucester, MA
- Women’s Ministry of Kingdom Awakening Ministries, Kingston NH
- Calareso’s Farm Stand, Reading, MA
- The American BBQ Restaurant, Rowley, MA,
- Starbucks, Reading & Beverly, MA
- Trader Joes, Boston, MA
- Law Firm of Patrick Murray, Springfield, MA
-, Inc.
Foundations and Supporting Grants
- Protein Foundation
- Imago Dei Fund
- Eastern Nazarene University
- Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
- North Shore Christian School, Beverly & Lynn campuses
Who is a supporting church, business or friend?
We are glad you asked! These are churches, businesses or people who have repeatedly placed the fight against trafficking as a priority through their continuous support of Route One Ministry. They have committed themselves as monthly donors and/or contributed to our outreach nights by providing gifts.
How can I become a supporting church,
business or friend?
One of two ways (or both);
Become a monthly supporter by giving online today!
Donate gifts for our outreach nights. Email us at for gift ideas.